Wednesday 19 October 2016

Week 2
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This week, we have learned about Introduction to curriculum. we have discusses various curriculum approaches in terms of information about philosophical, historical, psychological, and social foundations of curriculum. Besides, there are some discussion of curriculum theory, curriculum development, curriculum designs and examines curriculum implementation models and numerous curriculum evaluation models. Curriculum is defined as planned sequence of what students are to learn, how students acquire that learning and how students' learning is verified. Besides, i have get new things for today which is basic of curriculum. It is like a plan for achieving goals, dealing with the leaders' experiences, a system for dealing with people, a field of study with its own foundations, knowledge domains, research, theory, principles and specialist and subject matter (math, science, English, history and so on). After study this topic, i can realize that curriculum is important for educator. Why i said it was important because it is reflect back on your school learning experiences and identify two things you disliked about the learning experiences. If we want to know who owns the curriculum, a teacher in public school is an employee of the district, which is an educational entity of the state. 
That's all from me for today and hope you can get what I want to tell you all here. 
Thank you.

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